Tag Archives: robomagellan

Savage Solder wins Robomagellan at Robogames 2015

Savage Solder competed in the Robomagellan event in the newly restored and most impressive Robogames 2015 this past weekend. We had two successful runs out of 3, one with no bonus cones and one which touched the challenging 0.01 bonus cone. Both runs put us on the top of the leaderboard.

Other competitors

Here are links to videos I found or uploaded from other other competitors from last weekend:

New LCD for Savage Solder

As part of preparing Savage Solder for events this spring, I’ve been overhauling the computer and sensing platform to have higher reliability and lower weight. One of the changes was a new LCD and input interface.

I wrote up the previous LCD here before, which was the width of the car, pretty heavy, and not resistant to the elements. For this version, I wanted to use a smaller screen, and remove the possibility of moisture getting into the case, while still maintaining roughly the same USB interface.

PCB and Assembly

The display I ended up using was the 2.2″ TFT LCD from Adafruit. It is color, has sufficient pixels to display everything we wanted, and has a SPI interface. The other half of the solution is the input device, for which I decided to use an off the shelf MPR121 capacitive touch sensor controller, with a breakout board, also from Adafruit.

As before, these were glued together with a custom board holding an ATMega32U4 and a few other miscellaneous components. It is mezzanine mounted to the LCD and touch board, and has and external JST connector for USB. Also custom printed was the touch sensor itself. It is nothing more than a PCB with solder-masked copper where each of the touch sensitive areas should be, pulled out to a connector on the back.


The entire assembly was designed to be mounted to the lid of an off the shelf enclosure with a clear polycarbonate lid (which is where the rest of the electronics is going). The LCD and touch board each have four mounting holes, which are attached with a bolt, nut and lockwasher assembly. Sealing is accomplished with neoprene o-rings on the outer surface of the lid.

Assembled LCD from front
Assembled LCD from back


The MPR121 has a lot of options, many of which influence the performance of the device. The enclosure I am using is an off the shelf one from BUD (PN-1324-C amazon link). It has a polycarbonate lid approximately 1/8″ thick, which is kind of at the extreme of what you can get capacitive touch sensors to work through. I was inspired by Adafruit’s MPR121 library, but rewrote it to not require Arduino. I had to tweak a number of the MPR121 constants as well to work under the thick polycarbonate:

MPR121 Register Adafruit Savage Solder
CONFIG1 0x10 0x20 (32uA charge current)
Thresholds 12, 6 4, 2

For rendering text on the display, I also based my code on the Adafruit ILI9340 library. Since this LCD controller has to render text one pixel at a time, it was much slower than the HD44780 text-based controller we were using previously. To get remotely acceptable performance, I had to make the AVR keep a framebuffer around, and only re-draw characters which had actually changed.

Savage Solder: Spring 2013 Competition Recap

We ran Savage Solder in two competitions this spring, Robomagellan in Robogames 2013, and the Sparkfun Autonomous Vehicle Competition 2013. In neither contest did we fare particularly well, especially given the level of preparation we put in. I’ll describe our results here, along with a little analysis from each event.

Robogames 2013 Robomagellan

Robogames 2013

In brief, the Robomagellan event requires that your robot touch a target orange traffic cone. It’s made harder because the cone can be in an arbitrary outdoor environment, with challenging terrain, changing features, people, GPS obstructions and the like. Your robot can achieve time deductions by touching other “bonus” cones. You get 3 runs, and your score is the best of the three.

Savage Solder only made two runs this year. A summary of the failure modes:

  • First Run: After touching the 25% bonus cone, our u-blox GPS decided to have a slew event, moving 20m away from where the car was. This resulted in the early termination of our run when the car hit a trash can. Our Robomagellan code has no obstacle avoidance, and it thought this was the final cone, so this ended our run.
  • Second Run: After the competition had started, the event center’s groundskeepers decided to start locating some picnic tables on the competition area. They placed one right in the middle of our surveyed path about 30s before we had to start. To change the plan, our robomagellan code at that time required surveying a series of waypoints, which we could not do in that short a time. The car got unlucky, clipped the side of the table enough to make it think it hit a cone, then reversed. When it reversed, it got hung up on the picnic table, burning out our ESC. We had no spare ESCs, so that ended our Robomagellan event.

Sparkfun AVC 2013

Sparkfun AVC 2013

The Sparkfun Autonomous Vehicle Competition, held for the last couple of years, requires the robot to drive around a loop course. Bonus points are awarded for passing through a medium sized metal hoop and jumping over a ramp. This year, the overall score was the sum total of three runs.

After our dissapointing Robomagellan performance, we doubled down for Sparkfun AVC. We replaced our ESC and got spares… of nearly everything. We built a ramp, hoop, and obtained barrels. The two weekends before the event the car was autonomously completing our practice course 100% of the time including hitting both the ramp and the jump about 90%-95% of the time over maybe a hundred runs.

How did this translate into our competition performance? We completed one run, failed after the second corner on the second run, and failed after the first corner on the third run. End result: not so hot.

  • First Run: This run was flawless. We set our speed at 11mph, on the theory that we completed most of our testing there, and we didn’t know how fast or successful at hitting the props the other teams would be.
  • Second Run: Here, after seeing Netburner’s fast run we increased our maximum speed to 15mph to shave some time off. This speed didn’t end up being a problem, aside from Netburner rear ending us going into the second turn harmlessly — but the clouds were a problem. When homing on the hoop, our hoop detector got a glimpse of some very hoop shaped clouds off in the distance and went for them. This ended badly after it closelined itself, ran into a couple of haybales and the curb. This was the first time we had a false positive on clouds in all our testing.
  • Third Run: I went back to the image data in our first and second run, and updated our hoop detection constants to have the same detection rate, but weed out all the clouds. We went with a speed of 15mph again. However, right before we started, I noticed on our display that it was complaining that the GPS was not reporting data regularly. In fact, it was barely reporting data at all. As with Robomagellan and the picnic tables, this problem appeared right before the starting gun, so there was nothing we could do but start it and watch. And watch we did, as it collided with the fence after the first turn. The root cause: the u-blox doesn’t seem to be able to emit NMEA messages longer than 364 characters when run at 115200, and the thus the u-blox’s PUBX,3 NMEA message gets truncated once the GPS has more than about 19 satellites in its tracking filter. Our GPS interface software requires all the messages it uses to be valid (with checksums) before emitting a fix upstream, so it wasn’t reporting anything most of the time. Looking back at the data from all our Boston testing, hundreds of hours worth, this only happened for a very brief time, maybe 10s total, as we don’t have the same clear view of the sky as in Boulder.


  • u-blox GPS slew: We have seemingly resolved this by using the RMS of the reported range residuals as a floor on the measurement noise of position into our Kalman filter. Since that change, u-blox slews, while they still happen, don’t significantly impact the trajectory of the car.
  • Last minute picnic tables: For AVC 2013 and beyond, we’ve switched from surveying points with a handheld GPS to drawing interpolated curves on satellite maps which need maybe a one time registration. This allows us to change paths quickly as necessary.
  • Hoop shaped cloud: This one we fixed at the event by tuning constants. We didn’t get our hoop detector working until about 3 weeks before the event, so our corpus of hoop images was relatively small. If we run Sparkfun AVC again, I’ll also create a larger corpus of hoop images including some fluffy cloud days.
  • u-blox limited NMEA length: Here we are switching to use the u-blox binary protocol, which has both has shorter messages and is presumably better tested by u-blox.


Through both the spring competitions, we had 1 successful run out of 5. Of the 4 failed runs, 3 were from root causes we had never before seen, or had seen entirely too infrequently to diagnose. The 4th, (the u-blox slewing that caused our trash can hit), had been happening only every 4 or 5 robomagellan runs, so it was a known, but limited, risk.

Obviously, we are fixing all the individual failure modes that we observed. I am not sure what the larger lesson here is, other than that there are many many failure modes and the only way to find them all is through exhaustive testing. Maybe using more expensive components would have helped, as the cheap u-blox and our ESC with no overcurrent protection cost us 3 runs total (4 if you count our missed 3rd robomagellan run).

I suppose the ultimate conclusion is that building robots remains hard.

Savage Solder: Localization Part 3: Future Work

In part 1 and part 2, I covered the details of the localization solution we use on Savage Solder. To finish off, I’ll look at the areas we are exploring for future improvement.

u-blox 6 Position Errors

While in motion, our u-blox GPS can occasionally slew to an erroneous position that may be 20m away from ground truth, then slew back 20s later, even while reporting WAAS corrections, good HDOP and a large number of satellites. These slews of course confuse the localization algorithm, as they do not match the system dynamics at all. The estimation filter’s heading and position can diverge during these events.

One possible indication of these events can be found in the pseudo-range residuals the u-blox reports. The GPS receiver operates by measuring “pseudo-ranges” to each of the satellites it is tracking in the sky. In general, there are more ranges than necessary to determine both the receiver’s position and its clock bias at any point in time. Thus for any given position the receiver reports, there will be some error between what it thinks the range should be to each satellite, and what the actual measured pseudo-range was. This is reported as the “pseudo-range residual” via the NMEA GPGRS message.

During these error slew events, we have identified that the u-blox does generally report one or more of the residuals growing very large (sometimes more than 100m), then shrinking back down as the position corrects itself. This is even as it reports the same approximately constant horizontal position accuracy! For future competitions, such as Sparkfun AVC, we’re experimenting with using these residual measurements to de-weight GPS readings which are suspect. I’ve also put together the below video to describe the problem in more detail:

Error State Filter

The Kalman filter configuration we use now is a total state filter. In a total state localization filter, quantities such as the yaw rate are estimated as part of the filter, in addition to their error parameters. This makes the filter formulation straightforward, but results in an effective low pass filter applied on the yaw rate, as it is only updated through the Kalman filter measurement update step. Because of this filtering, in high dynamic maneuvers the heading can suffer from accuracy problems until the GPS is able to correct matters.

One alternate filter configuration, the “error-state filter”, estimates the error between a forward integrated solution and reality rather than estimating the solution directly. In this formulation, the error model parameters of the yaw rate gyro are included as states, but the yaw rate itself is not. This removes the low-pass filtering on the yaw rate, potentially improving filter response during fast maneuvering.

Savage Solder: Localization Part 2

In part 1 I looked at the reasons why we use a state estimation filter for Savage Solder’s localization system and what the options were. This time, I’ll look at the specific measurements we take and the resulting states that we estimate along with some implementation details.


Our localization system uses the following measurements:

  • GPS: UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) referenced position from a u-blox 6 GPS sampled at 4Hz
  • Gyroscope: We use the yaw rate from a Pololu MiniIMU-9 sampled at 50Hz
  • Odometer: We feed the sensors from our sensored brushless motor to an AVR microcontroller and count motor steps to measure odometry at 50Hz. This is not perfect, (for example, it suffers from backlash), but works reasonably well.

Each of these measurements is integrated into the state estimation filter at their natural rate. The filter only emits a solution on each IMU update, just to reduce the variability in the rest of the system.

Savage Solder Localization Sensors

Estimated States

The Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) estimates the following system states:

  • X/Y Position: The position is estimated in a UTM coordinate reference. We nominally estimate where a position under the center of the rear axle is, but the car is small enough that lever arms don’t really come into consideration.
  • Velocity Velocity is estimated assuming no lateral slip.
  • Heading: We assume that the car is always perfectly flat, and that the only orientation degree of freedom which matters is heading.
  • Curvature: We assume that the car moves in a car like way, and thus, given no change in steering input, it will drive in a circle.
  • Odometer Scale Factor: The only error term we estimate for the odometer is a scale factor. This is largely determined by errors in the diameter of the tires, but also is affected by the texture of the terrain that is being traversed.
  • Gyroscope Bias: Gyroscopes have many error factors which can be modeled. For our purposes, since we have accurate GPS most of the time, we get away with only estimating the bias of the gyroscope.

Constant Selection and Heuristics

Kalman Filter Tuning Tradeoffs

When designing a state estimation filter, there are a lot of constants that need to be selected. For Kalman filters, you need an initial covariance and process noise for all estimated states, and measurement noise for all dimensions of the measured values. By choosing a specific selection of constants, you can trade off between the bandwidth (performance or accuracy) of the filter, and its stability. Generally, if you make the filter more accurate, you increase the risk that the filter will become unstable if the system model or measurement models do not accurately track the real world.

For Savage Solder, we used a largely ad-hoc approach, with no rigorous backing for our constant selection. We picked process noises that roughly corresponded to the amount of system error we expected to see, and did the same with measurement noises. One exception was GPS measurement error. Since we are using a naive total state filter, and GPS measurements from cheap receivers are highly time correlated (because of their own internal estimation filters), there are a number of other factors to consider. If the GPS measurement is set too high in this formulation, heading cannot be estimated accurately. If it is set too low, the global position will jump around a lot with every GPS update. In no case is the filter’s assumption, that of a measurement corrupted purely by white noise, satisfied, so measurements noises that are too low also run the risk of filter divergence. We just picked a happy medium that tends to work well in our simulations and practice.

There are also a fair number of heuristics included. For instance, if we know the car is stopped from the odometer, we artificially fix the heading and curvature estimates and covariances. At least when it is driving under its own power, Savage Solder rarely rotates in place. Without holding these fixed, noise in the GPS and gyroscope can cause the estimated heading to drift with no bounds and the heading uncertainty to grow arbitrarily large.

Global and Local Coordinate System

As I mentioned early in part 1, different subsystems in Savage Solder have differing requirements for the state estimates they consume. Some, like global driving, want the estimate to be close to the globally correct position so that the car can drive close to a pre-surveyed path. Others, like cone tracking, would much rather have a locally consistent frame of reference that is divorced from global coordinates entirely.

We solve this by deriving a separate local coordinate estimate from the global estimate emitted by the UKF. This local estimate always starts at position 0, 0 with a heading of 0. At each time step, the velocity, heading, and curvature of the global solution are integrated forward. This results in an estimate which is by definition smooth, yet still is relatively accurate over short distances, as the velocity and heading inputs have full access to the sensor suite of the car.

Coming Up…

In the next, and final installment, I’ll look at some techniques we are, or want to be exploring to improve the localization solution on Savage Solder.

Savage Solder: Localization

When it isn’t crashing into trash cans, Savage Solder uses a combination of several sensors to form accurate estimates about where it is in the world. This series describes the sensors and techniques that it uses to identify where it is in the world, providing data that is useful for the driving and cone tracking subsystems.

Inaccurate Localization


First, why does the car need to know where it is? Several other subsystems in Savage Solder rely on having accurate estimates of where the car is, measured in different ways. First, when driving to try and find a cone, it follows a path surveyed by GPS. In that case, the driving algorithm needs to know where the car is relative to the pre-surveyed path in order to select the appropriate steering and throttle commands. Here, absolute accuracy is most useful. We rely on surveyed paths to avoid obstacles, and the driving algorithm is relatively insensitive to position estimates that move around as GPS measurements change.

When moving in proximity to cones, the car needs a locally stable coordinate system in order to identify where the cone is relative to the car itself. For this, an estimate that is smooth is most important, as the car’s position relative to a cone can only change in a continuous manner.

For both of these cases, the localization subsystem on Savage Solder takes measurements from various sensors, and produces an estimate of the current position of the car. This estimate is updated on a regular basis, and fed to each other subsystem which needs to know where the car is.

Block diagram of Savage Solder’s localization system


At the top level, Savage Solder uses a total-state unscented Kalman filter to incorporate measurements and produce localization estimates. Kalman filters are a class of algorithms which, given a series of noisy measurements of a system, estimate what the internal state variables the system are. In the localization problem, the noisy measurements are things like a GPS reading, a gyroscope measurement, or the value from an odometer, while the estimated state is perhaps the latitude and longitude of the vehicle along with its heading, heading rate and speed.

The Unscented Kalman filter is just one type of estimation algorithm. Traditionally, a designer would select it over other non-linear estimators when higher accuracy is required. As compared to estimators like the Extended Kalman Filter, it achieves this higher accuracy through an increase in computational cost.

For Savage Solder, our PC based computer platform has power to spare, so we chose the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) for a different reason. We used the UKF because it only requires numerical system models. Most non-linear Kalman filters, like the EKF, require analytical derivations of the partial derivatives of the system and measurement functions. These can be involved to create. When you want to change your design, and modify the estimated states or measurement variables, the process is slow and error prone. The UKF only requires a numerical definition of the system and measurement functions themselves. Because of this, we can experiment with different filter structures much more rapidly.

Options for Savage Solder’s localization estimation filter

Next Installment

In the next installment, I’ll look in more detail at the measurements we use, and the states that we estimate.

Savage Solder: Robogames 2013


Robogames 2013 has come and gone, with all manner of amazing robot mahem unleashed. Unfortunately, Savage Solder didn’t have the best performance in Robomagellan, hitting a trash can on its first run, and a newly added picnic table on its second. Our motor controller popped after that run, so we didn’t get a third attempt. Hopefully I will post a more detailed post-mortem later, but for now, I’ve uploaded the video of our best competition performance this year.

Savage Solder: Selecting Constants for Image Processing

The final pieces of the cone detection and tracking system for Savage Solder are the tools we used to derive all the constants necessary for each of the algorithms. In part 1 (cone detector) and part 2 (cone tracker) I described how we first pick out possible range and bearings to cones in an image, and then take those range and bearings and turn them into a local Cartesian coordinate through the tracking process. As mentioned there, each of those stages has many tunable knobs.For the first stage, the following are the key parameters:

  • Hue range – The window of hues to consider a pixel part of a valid cone.
  • Saturation range – The range of saturation values to include.
  • Minimum and maximum aspect ratio – Valid cone like objects are expected to be moderately narrow and tall.
  • Minimum and maximum fill rate – If the image is crisp, most of the pixels in the bounding box, (but not all) should meet the filtering criteria.

Additionally, the cone tracker has its own set of parameters:

  • Detection rate – given a real world cone at a certain distance, how likely are we to detect it?
  • False positive rate – given a measurement at a specific range, how likely is it to be false?
  • Range and bearing limits – At what range and bearing should we reject measurements.

What we did in 2012, during the preparation for our first RoboMagellan, was take a lot of pictures of cones during our practice runs. Savage Solder normally is configured to save an image twice a second all the time it is running. These image datasets formed the basis of our ability to tune parameters and develop algorithms that would be robust in a wide range of conditions.

The basic idea we worked off was to create a metric for how good the system is, and then evaluate the metric over a set of data using our current algorithms and constants. You can then easily tweak the constants and algorithms as much as you want without running the car one bit and have good confidence that the results will be applicable to actual live runs.

Annotation Pipeline

Most of the metrics we wanted involved knowing where the cones actually were in the images. If we could just robustly identify cones in images programmatically, we wouldn’t really be worrying about this to begin with. So instead, we created a set of tools that let us rapidly mark, or annotate, images to indicate where the absolute ground truth of cones could be found. This is just a simple custom OpenCV program with some keyboard shortcuts that let us classify the cones in about 3000 images in a couple of hours. We selected images from varying times of day, angles, and lighting conditions, so that we would have a robust training set.

OpenCV Application for Annotation

Then, with a little wrapper script, we ran our cone detection algorithm over each of the frames. As mentioned in the on the cone detector, it outputs one or more range/bearing pairs to each of the prospective cones in the image. The quality metric then scores the cone detector based on accuracy of bearing and range to real cones, missed detections, and false detections. It also keeps histograms of each detection category by range. In the end, for a given set of cone detector parameters, we end up with a table that looks like the one below.

Range Detection Rate False Positive Rate
3m 91% 2%
5m 95% 7%
7.5m 93% 21%
10m 89% 34%
15m 72% 26%
20m 37% 23%

After each run over all the images, we would try changing the parameters to the cone detector, then seeing what the resultant table would like. Ideally, you have a much higher detection rate than false positive rate over the ranges you care about. The table above is actually the final one we were able to achieve for 2012, which allowed us to reliably sense cones at 15 meters of range using just our 640×480 stock webcam.

Savage Solder: Tracking Cones


Last time I covered the techniques we use on Savage Solder to pick out orange traffic cones from webcam images in the “Cone Detector”. This time, I’ll look at the next stage in that pipeline, turning the range and bearing reported by the cone tracker into Cartesian coordinate estimates of where any given cone is.

Cone Tracker Overview

As mentioned last time, our “Cone Tracker” takes as input the range and bearing, (along with their uncertainties), from the cone detector. It also receives the current navigation state of the car. This includes things like the current estimate of geodetic position (latitude and longitude), current map position, (UTM easting and northing), and an unreferenced local coordinate system (x, y). For each of these, it reports the vehicle’s speed and heading.

I won’t go into the details of each of these coordinate systems here, but since the cone tracker actually only uses the local one, I can discuss it a bit. The local coordinate system on Savage Solder starts out at x,y=(0m,0m) with a heading of 0 degrees at the beginning of every run. As time progresses, the heading and position are updated primarily based on our onboard dead reckoning sensors. The local coordinate system is smooth, and never jumps for GPS updates. As a consequence, it isn’t really useful to compare positions in it from more than a minute or two apart, nor is it useful to do GPS based navigation. Fortunately, for cone tracking, from the time to when we see the cone to when we touch it is usually only a couple of seconds total over which time the local solution is very accurate.

Now, let’s cover some broad details of the implementation. The guts of our cone tracker consists of a bank of identical Kalman Filters. Each Kalman filter estimates the position of one particular cone and the error in that estimate. This lets the car keep around several possible cones that could be in sight at one time while still distinguishing them. By storing the cones in a local coordinate system, it allows for easy driving towards, or alongside, the cone and accurate speed control leading up to it. The position uncertainty could be used to control behavior, but we don’t bother in our current implementation.

Cone Tracker Internals

New and Old Cones

Additionally, the tracker has to handle seeing new cones for the first time, and discarding cones that maybe were false detections in the cone detector. It does this by assigning each cone a “likelihood”, which is just a probability that the cone is a true detection. When data arrives that match the cone well, its likelihood is increased. When the available data doesn’t match the cone very well, or no cone is observed at all when one is expected, the likelihood is decreased.

If a range and bearing arrive which corresponds to no known cones, a new one is created with a relatively low likelihood. Then once it has reached a certain threshold, it is reported to the outside world as a valid target. Conversely, when an existing cone’s likelihood reaches a level which is too low, it is removed entirely on the thesis that it was actually a false detection to begin with.

More specifically, the likelihood update is handled using Bayes theorem. We have an empirically derived table showing, for our detector, the odds that a cone will be detected or a false one will be seen at various ranges. These are used to fill in the various probabilities in the equations.

Incorporating New Measurements

A “measurement” in this problem is simply the range and bearing that the cone detector reports. To incorporate a new measurement, the tracker looks through all the cones currently in its filter bank. For each, it computes a measure of the likelihood that the given cone could produce the current measurement. This is done using what’s called the Mahalanobis distance. The Mahalanobis distance is just a measure of how far away you are from an uncertain target in a multi-dimensional space.

If the best matching cone has a Mahalanobis distance small enough to count as valid, then the standard Kalman filter update equation is applied to that cone. If no cones match, then we create a new one as described above.

Scale Factor

Cone Tracker Flowchart

One final detail, is that in addition to estimating the position of each cone, the tracker also estimates its “scale” as seen by the cone detector. The image based detector we use has the property that the range values are likely to have a fixed scale error for a number of reasons. One, the cones could actually be bigger or smaller than the regulation sized ones. Second, lighting conditions can sometimes cause a fraction of the cone to be not detected, which will result in the cone being seen as smaller than it actually is.

Since the range values are not correct, the position will be similarly off. This error isn’t as bad as it seems, since we (and most every RoboMagellan entrant), approach the cone in a straight line. Thus the position errors will always be directly towards or away from the robot, and as long as you keep moving, you’ll hit it eventually.

Savage Solder has two reasons to care. First, is that we decelerate from a high speed to an appropriate “bumping” speed with just a half meter to spare. Thus, if the cone is estimated as too close, we run the risk of colliding with it at an unsafe speed and damaging our front end. Secondly, we have a mode where the car can just “clip” the cone by driving alongside it and tapping it with a protruding stick. This allows us to avoid stopping entirely when the geometry allows it. However, if the position estimate is incorrect here, we might miss the cone entirely.

Final Process

To summarize, the cone tracker handles each new range and bearing with the following steps:

  1. A cone detection results in a new range, bearing, and uncertainty measurement.
  2. Existing cones in the Kalman filter bank are checked to see what the likelihood is each could have produced this measurement.
  3. If one was likely enough, then:
    1. The position and scale factor are updated using the Kalman filter equations.
    2. The likelihood estimate is updated according to our current false positive and false negative estimates.
  4. If none was likely enough, then a new cone is created with a position fixed at the exact position implied by the local navigation solution and the range and bearing.
  5. Any cones which we had expected to see but didn’t have their likelihood decreased.
  6. Any cones which have too low of a likelihood are removed.
  7. Finally, all the cones which are close to the vehicle, and have a high enough likelihood are reported to the high level logic.

Caveats and Next Steps

One of the challenges with this approach is that there are a lot of constants to tune. I’ll cover the details in a later post, but for most of them we tried to find some way to empirically measure reasonable values for our application. Another problem was debugging. printf doesn’t cut it when you have this much geometry. For that, we created a number of custom debugging and visualization tools which help show what is going on in the system, some of which I’ll cover later too.